This piece is published today in the magazine American Thinker. It is essentially an outline of my forthcoming book, minus the Conclusion (which is summarized in draft here).
This article was requested by Col. Douglas Macgregor for the site of his organization, Our Country Our Choice, but then they seem to have gotten cold feet. Macgregor is an important voice, especially against the pointless war in Ukraine. I listen to his commentaries regularly and quote him in my book. I wish his new organization well, yet I cannot help fear that he is missing an opportunity. He voice carries weight, and it could accomplish considerable good if he were to start pushing people to think outside the box, as I try to do here. The problem with creating new organizations is that either 1) they fail, which is what almost all the conservative organizations have now done, or 2) they succeed, in which case they become part of the professional political class and therefore part of the problem. The first sign of this is that they become afraid to say the things that need to be said or to publish them when someone else says them. I hope I am wrong in this instance, but in any case this article is the result.
March 1, 2024
Why the United States Went “Communist’
Some four years ago, the radical left staged what amounted to a coup d’état and took control of the United States government. The events surrounding that coup — and the horrific policies that followed — have been described many times: the COVID “vaccine” hoax, rigged elections, imprisoning dissenters, weaponizing the Judiciary, open borders, the pointless killing in Ukraine. Yet no one has explained why all this happened or how to stop it.
The fact that no scholars or media have even attempted to explain this power-grab itself partly reveals the explanation. If we ask why people on the left took power, then eventually someone will ask why people on the right allowed it to. The next logical question then arises: why should we continue listening to them, following them, giving them money...? (…)
Read more here….
Bravo - excellent article. It is a powerfully-impactful summary of (and an important lesson on) key elements of recent history that clearly & concisely illustrates how virtue signaling & idealism - when carried too far - become a far greater menace than even the serious, deeply-entrenched problems these initiatives were originally intended to address.
I hope it starts fires inside the minds of those who read it, and adds more fuel to the flames that are already lit. It will take a great deal of illumination & benevolent destruction to expose & excise these hypocrisies from society, academia, politics, & media.
Thank you for your courage & dedication. 🙏🌟🔥
Solid article. Provides a good summary of your views on today's issues.