
Yes, a similar dynamic works in apolitical American environments like the inner cities or native American reservations, and in settings that breed terrorists.

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Precisely. Rosen call it the "global politics of age." It is one of many consequences of family breakdown and fatherlessness, about which "family values" groups do nothing. There is more in my book, and I hope to write about its recently manifestations, including Middle East terrorism.

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An anecdote: A friend of mine was a helicopter pilot in Viet Nam. He tells a harrowing story about a cute little girl, maybe 6 or 7 years old, approaching his helicopter ostensibly to give him a hug. Little did he know that she dropped some sort of explosive device into his copter. He realized it when he was airborne, and he was somehow able to angle the helicopter in such a way to let the object fly out before it exploded.

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Don't know if you've heard but Sweden has been dealing with some extreme problems with gangs. It's international organized crime with groups fighting over territories, protection rackets, and hits with guns and bombs in apartment buildings. Relevant to your work is the recruitment and use of the young. It's a focal point in understanding and trying to deal with what's going on. They even use fairly young teenagers as "hit men" who often cause colateral damage by uncontrolled (inexperienced) shooting in public places with plenty of bystanders or "hit" the wrong person. It's vital to the security of the nation to have a better understanding of what's going on and why the young are easy to recruit.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Stephen Baskerville

Of course children also become "soldiers" for criminal gangs. One of my clients was recruited here in Dallas at age 11 into a violent gang. They got him hooked on codeine and had him rob drug stores at that age. What stopped him was that he was shooting at other gang members when he was shot in the back by a security guard at age 18 or 19. He is now a paraplegic, no feeling from the waist down.

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