America has the most powerful army in the world yet it is a matriarchal state run by male politicians on behalf of the female gender. Even Republican politicians who project strength and masculine energy fall on their knees begging for forgiveness when women are displeased with them. This is why men suffer equally under both the Democrat and Republican parties policies.
It may still be the most powerful, but it is heavily feminized and has been for years. See my recent book, Who Lost America?, chap. 5, and more extensively in The New Politics of Sex, part 4, chap. 20 (both available at Honest authorities like Col. Douglas Macgregor say that Ukraine has exposed it as pathetically weak, though they seldom say why. This is why.
What I am finding most interesting, not because I'm an expert and perfect, is the reaction by the media!
At the end of the above video the discussion between two men about what it all meant is something I found interesting. Like a post-football match discussion that is endless and reinterpreted that one forgets that the football game even happened!! I see this a little bit by friends reactions and one or two news papers I've glanced through.
I live in the welfare state and have come to the point of 'where does the money come from and does it come freely'. In one way the welfare state is acceptable due to horrors in our past, here or anywhere else on the planet, but now it is almost to much because it has become the norm. Whilst people are screaming that the capitalists are profiting from everyone, the welfare state forces everyone to pay tax for something that in the end, and if it came out of their own pockets, they may not like to pay for things?
I'm just saying. I'm a naive idiot some days. It is scary to say the least with such massive changes and all documented minutiae by the media. you move your little finger and the world goes into shock.. The media, like the internet, is good and bad..
America has the most powerful army in the world yet it is a matriarchal state run by male politicians on behalf of the female gender. Even Republican politicians who project strength and masculine energy fall on their knees begging for forgiveness when women are displeased with them. This is why men suffer equally under both the Democrat and Republican parties policies.
It may still be the most powerful, but it is heavily feminized and has been for years. See my recent book, Who Lost America?, chap. 5, and more extensively in The New Politics of Sex, part 4, chap. 20 (both available at Honest authorities like Col. Douglas Macgregor say that Ukraine has exposed it as pathetically weak, though they seldom say why. This is why.
Meanwhile, our armies have been subverted by feminists and DEI, both in effeminized men and masculinized women.
It's International finance capitalism and its open borders Globalisation project that has destroyed America/ the West not Communism.
Stephen thanks for drawing my attention to the speech by JD Vance. I watched it in English on Deutsche Welle :
What I am finding most interesting, not because I'm an expert and perfect, is the reaction by the media!
At the end of the above video the discussion between two men about what it all meant is something I found interesting. Like a post-football match discussion that is endless and reinterpreted that one forgets that the football game even happened!! I see this a little bit by friends reactions and one or two news papers I've glanced through.
I live in the welfare state and have come to the point of 'where does the money come from and does it come freely'. In one way the welfare state is acceptable due to horrors in our past, here or anywhere else on the planet, but now it is almost to much because it has become the norm. Whilst people are screaming that the capitalists are profiting from everyone, the welfare state forces everyone to pay tax for something that in the end, and if it came out of their own pockets, they may not like to pay for things?
I'm just saying. I'm a naive idiot some days. It is scary to say the least with such massive changes and all documented minutiae by the media. you move your little finger and the world goes into shock.. The media, like the internet, is good and bad..
I live in Europe.