Think about this one for a minute. Kabala Harris throws the Jewish candidate for Vice-President under the bus because she doesn't want to offend the small group of Pro-Palestine, anti-Jew voters in the U.S. Then she picks Tim Walz as her V.P. Walz has proven he's a tyrant as Minnesota government with allowing the burning of Minneapolis during the 2020 Foreman Riots, not doing anything to arrest and jail BLM and ANTIFA who committed the riots, then locked down all businesses & schools in the entire state during COVID, wants a transgender sanctuary state, an illegal sanctuary state and other nefarious programs. Harris picks Walz over Shapiro and here's why. Walz is a WHITE GERMAN SOCIALIST!!!!! If Harris wins the Presidency (God forbid!!!!!), and she cannot perform her duties because of incompetence, illness, Deep State assassination, etc., then Walz becomes President. We have Nazi Germany Redux 90 years later!!!!!! Walz being a WHITE GERMAN SOCIALIST will be the 2nd coming of Adolf Hitler!!!!!!

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Be careful with Forum voor Democratie! They’re crazy! Thierry Baudet is crazy! He seemed to start an interesting intellectual conservative project, but after winning the provincial elections a few years ago, he really went berserk, drove the whole party apart, started talking nonsense and FvD dwindled. Don’t even ever mention them if you want to be taken seriously, also in right-wing circles.

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