My eldest brother, Gene, always thought himself a leader of counter-counterculture thought, and he was always harping on the sexual revolution. Of course, having spent college in the permissive 'seventies, I was all-in - or at least in as often as possible.
When AIDS blew (ahem) on the scene, he was beside himself, every time we met came the lectures and "I told-you-so(s)" directed his little brother - me. A medical student at the time, and having seen some AIDs patients, somehow his delight Just Didn't Seem Charitable.
One fine weekend, our extended family was gathered for some event or other and he began his usual pontification about how right he'd been, and how the sexual revolution had turned out - just as he had predicted - a disaster.
Finally I'd had enough. Turning to him, I said, quietly but firmly: "Gene, your problem with the sexual revolution is that there WAS a revolution, and you never got off a single shot." That ended it.
Great start Stephen. Looking forward to more.
My eldest brother, Gene, always thought himself a leader of counter-counterculture thought, and he was always harping on the sexual revolution. Of course, having spent college in the permissive 'seventies, I was all-in - or at least in as often as possible.
When AIDS blew (ahem) on the scene, he was beside himself, every time we met came the lectures and "I told-you-so(s)" directed his little brother - me. A medical student at the time, and having seen some AIDs patients, somehow his delight Just Didn't Seem Charitable.
One fine weekend, our extended family was gathered for some event or other and he began his usual pontification about how right he'd been, and how the sexual revolution had turned out - just as he had predicted - a disaster.
Finally I'd had enough. Turning to him, I said, quietly but firmly: "Gene, your problem with the sexual revolution is that there WAS a revolution, and you never got off a single shot." That ended it.