Thank you Stephen for an excellent article. It is mind numbing to think about the silence of conservatives to all that is going on. You are surely correct that they are a large part of the problem. Interesting idea that their silence is related to political purposes related to complaining! That sure seems to fit.

I have been wondering about why men in general have been so quiet towards the attacks of feminism and the left. Why are men not fighting back?

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When I was in medical practice, I specialized in "non-accidental trauma" in children and acted as expert witness many times. In every case it was the boyfriend; I never got over how the mothers allowed such things to happen.

When my wife and I separated, I had a little talk with her after she refused to introduce me to her new boyfriend. My parting words were, "Boyfriend abuse is something I know something about; if I get one whiff that your new beau has been unkind to my boys, the last thing you and he will see on this earth will be my face. Have a nice day." Apparently worked.

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