Good piece. I'd agree entirely that perseverating on Marxism doesn't help at all. This is not just due to the fact that most contemporary leftists couldn't tell you a damn thing about Marx anyway and doing so thus misses the target. It's also because worrying about Marxism misses the very real contributions of the supposed "right" to this process.

The deeper and more enduring fact of the matter is that you don't need the Frankfurt school. You don't need Marx. You don't really even need Hegel to understand what's going on here. The seeds of our predicament can be found in older and more "whiggish" forms of liberalism -- precisely the things to which our "right" stubbornly clings. The beginnings of gender absurdity and especially, neoconservative/internationalist historical triumphalism, can already be found in the likes of Locke, Smith, Kant... who, while they would shrink from our conclusions, nonetheless provided the very deconstructive takes on reason and nature that invite us to see progress in destruction. Ultimately to get fukuyama or even betty friedan, you don't really need 20th century riffs on Marx. You just need to tear down church, ethny, family, and convince people that as long as they're getting material wealth , that this process is history's purpose.

I can think of no sadder figure than a man like James Lindsey, who in obsessing over Frankfurters, is like a cat running after a laser pointer.

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‘Cultural Marxism has gone too far’ implies there is an acceptable level for cultural Marxism to go.

How far is far enough?

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It is not the cultural Marxism that has gone too far, but the narrative suggesting that today's leftist ideology is nothing more than Marxism. It is much more complicated and difficult to understand. By pretending it is the same thing we faced in the Cold War, conservatives are burying their heads in the sand. That is why they always lose.

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ALL of the cultural marxism and feminism of the past fifty years has been disastrous for men, boys, families, and western civilization. There is no good aspect of either.

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But it's capitalism that has got women out into the workplace. We keep blaming the Left but they are just useful idiots for the current regime.

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Capitalism existed for centuries without tossing men out of education and employment. So, it's not capitalism.

It's FEMINISM -- following enfranchisement in 1919 -- taking over everything in the late 20th Century, that transformed America into New Amerika, making third-class citizens out of boys and men and decimating the family. Now, Single Mom is a hero and little boys have no daddies.

Corporations are the most capitalist entities in history. Yet for the past 25 years, corporations refuse to hire men, particularly white men. Today, the corporations OPENLY BRAG that men, particularly white men, 'need not apply' for employment. . . as if we hadn't already gotten that message 20 years ago,

V. little to do with capitalism. Everything to do with mass feminism and the Feminist State.

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Far as it wants, clearly.

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This: weaponization of electric vehicles.

This is my knee-jerk reaction as I haven't read your articles thoroughly... but is this about the production of electric vehicles in the millions so that nearly every person on the planet can have their own vehicle to travel in - one doesn't get wet like one can when riding a scooter/motorbike - and I saw when this started to happen that this mass production is seen as wonderful but ONLY because they are powered by electricity!! When in fact before this we were all wanting to get rid of all the one person cars on the roads AND YET now it is totally acceptable because they are 'electric' and people seem to forget that they still need to be produced from ?? iron, minerals, digging up the earth, drilling oil for plastics and YET now we will make even more that before.. that is my fantasy of looking in my 'crystal ball'....

It is kind of like, let's all get out into nature and away from those awful cities.. good thing.. BUT if everyone does it there will be empty cities and no nature as we all trample over nature!!!???

Maybe the Glaciers are disappearing because of all the people trampling over them or the helicopter rides.. I'm just saying...

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