Aug 30Liked by Stephen Baskerville

Grand Juries were once the province of the county freeholders. They were used to keep judges and politicians in check. They were also used to control the budgets of the counties. Then, in 1947, after WWII, the US District Attorneys Association seized the Grand Juries as their own. This is because too many politicians and judges complained that the local and even U.S. Grand Juries were being used to go after them for corruption, fraud, extortion, and the like. They claimed that grand juries were being used frivolously and maliciously against them. It is highly doubtful that grand juries were used frivolously and maliciously. Maybe in a small number of cases, but not in the overall scheme of things. Many politicians back then were as corrupt, malicious and criminal, as they are today.

Once the grand juries were seized to be used by county, state and federal prosecutors, We the People lost a major part of the 6th Amendment. It was not to be used by government entities to prosecute. Yes, it was all nice sounding that prosecutors would go after criminals and the grand juries would be a buffer to false or weak claims. But this is no longer the case. Grand Juries are used as a "baseball bat" against any political opposition, wealthy people, or powerful people that prosecutors don't like. This is especially evident in Marxist-Communist totalitarian "Blue States" like New York, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan, and even Arizona (where we have a fraudulently inserted Democrat Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State running (ruining) the state there.

The way to take back grand juries is to stop funding them, and legislating them to be brought back to the Board of Freeholders (Executive Boards), and take it out of the hands of local, state and Federal prosecutors who are maliciously using it for any reason now.

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So grand juries are under the control of the very officials that were intended to be controlled by them. The state attorney general seems to be the most corrupt office in America. A proper investigation could be very important. Thanks for your comment.

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Aug 30Liked by Stephen Baskerville

I found several articles on the Grand Jury years ago. This is exactly what happened. It was after WWII and the American populace were trying to get back to normal lives and get to work. Unbeknownst to the public, the prosecutors' associations were undermining the U.S. Constitution (Sixth Amendment) for their own personal power and gain.

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Sep 2Liked by Stephen Baskerville

V. insightful comment.

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Sep 4Liked by Stephen Baskerville

I still remember my own shock when I realised that the Crown Prosecution Service in the UK refer unashamedly to convictions as "successes" - the matter of whether the man in question is actually guilty being of no interest to them. As they strive to maximise their "successes" their explicit support for the police's assistance in building a prosecution case follows. And as the prosecution is responsible for disclosure (in English law), the CPS's complicity in the endemic failures to disclose exculpatory evidence also follows.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Stephen Baskerville

Agree 100 percent. I worked in state court administration and as media representative for the supreme court in CA. I watched during the Eighties while the grrrls took over the 'child welfare' department of the state judiciary. It was evil on the hoof. Prosecution now often assumes male guilt as an automatic and foregone conclusion.

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Half way through your book, 'Who Lost America'. My head regularly explodes. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but then I remember when a Canadian friend first told me about the Federal Reserve and America printing money. I watched what he sent me over a weekend with regular standing up, breathing a lot and then sitting down to watch the next five minutes.

I'm up to the part 'Criminal Prosecutors or Criminal-Prosecutors?'

I'm not sure Stephen if I should thank you or swear at you for pushing my boundaries.. but I do know one thing and your book gives some good details/cases about the injustice done in societies by those in authority. I am so glad I read some of :: Frédéric Bastiat's classic essay, "The Law." First published in 1850 by the great French economist and journalist.

In the forward it is said, "... that the main purpose of any government is the protection of the lives, liberties, and property of its citizens."

So simple and yet 'they' manage to not really achieve this easily!!

How people, men, are put in jail without proper process - refer to Bettina Arndt's https://bettinaarndt.substack.com/p/news-about-restoring-the-presumption and how many people are sitting in jail under horrible conditions in so called First World Countries with Politicians shouting about 'human rights'..

That's my update Stephen... I will keep reading and breathing..

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Adopt apoliteia, as Evola suggested, and forget about Kamala Harris and the rest.

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