His first administration neglected this to its cost (and ours), as sexual ideologues further consolidated their control. Elsewhere Trump seems to be learning from past mistakes, but so far not here.
horsethieves used to be hanged, what about childtheft? divorce is child abuse, the divorcing parent is UNfit‼️defathering (still) is an unwritten capital crime‼️feminism; the making of psychopaths‼️
At its very core Feminism is a rebellion against God and his established order instituted before and after the fall of Adam and Eve. Feminists are incapable of taking their anger out on the Creator, leaving men as their next best option and target for their hatred and ire.
You are right of course. (And I am not even sure it is legitimate for state governments to interfere in families.) When I say Trump needs a family policy, I suppose in most cases I am saying that he needs to decide which family policy needs dismantling first.
1. Deleting DEI is a huge step for men. Men were the main people discriminated by DEI, so point for Trump. Raising or keeping male status helps with family formation.
This will even benefit males from other continents and countries: more males in US corporate means less feminists in rule.
This was a huge tarde off for baning trans: giving trans ban to feminist has compensated deleting DEI. Trump IS t the same time a masculinist and trans excludent feminist!
(Men btw dont care a shit about the trans issue, but DEI was very important).
So Trump basically found a hole in the wall that allowed him to break the DEI policy without women even noticing.
2. By baning abortion It has given feminist a target to readress their efforts. So, they will not advance on other fronts.
Remember, the US has no maternal leave, no gender quotas and other stuff we have in the EU.
3. Trump has been in place for 2 weeks. Give him some space.
4. The whole narrative has changed: in the new world, suddently, masculinity doesn not seem so toxic.
5. Family law depends mostly on States, and some of them already have a share custody rule (e.g. California). So fatherless situatuons may become less common in the future.
6. Trump will not address some issue like male droping out of Uni. But I am conflcited here: It may be that this is the right choice. I am not sure I want male studing law in the era of IA.
horsethieves used to be hanged, what about childtheft? divorce is child abuse, the divorcing parent is UNfit‼️defathering (still) is an unwritten capital crime‼️feminism; the making of psychopaths‼️
At its very core Feminism is a rebellion against God and his established order instituted before and after the fall of Adam and Eve. Feminists are incapable of taking their anger out on the Creator, leaving men as their next best option and target for their hatred and ire.
"For real, JD??"
What part of the Constitution grants the federal government any power regarding the family? It's up to the States as per Amendment 9 and 10.
General welfare clause
You are right of course. (And I am not even sure it is legitimate for state governments to interfere in families.) When I say Trump needs a family policy, I suppose in most cases I am saying that he needs to decide which family policy needs dismantling first.
The fundamental reform would be a definition of personhood. Both its meaning and its lifecycle.
Well, yes and no. I mean:
1. Deleting DEI is a huge step for men. Men were the main people discriminated by DEI, so point for Trump. Raising or keeping male status helps with family formation.
This will even benefit males from other continents and countries: more males in US corporate means less feminists in rule.
This was a huge tarde off for baning trans: giving trans ban to feminist has compensated deleting DEI. Trump IS t the same time a masculinist and trans excludent feminist!
(Men btw dont care a shit about the trans issue, but DEI was very important).
So Trump basically found a hole in the wall that allowed him to break the DEI policy without women even noticing.
2. By baning abortion It has given feminist a target to readress their efforts. So, they will not advance on other fronts.
Remember, the US has no maternal leave, no gender quotas and other stuff we have in the EU.
3. Trump has been in place for 2 weeks. Give him some space.
4. The whole narrative has changed: in the new world, suddently, masculinity doesn not seem so toxic.
5. Family law depends mostly on States, and some of them already have a share custody rule (e.g. California). So fatherless situatuons may become less common in the future.
6. Trump will not address some issue like male droping out of Uni. But I am conflcited here: It may be that this is the right choice. I am not sure I want male studing law in the era of IA.