Fantastic article as always, Stephen. What a dreadful system has been allowed to proliferate.

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The 'rape culture' claim on university campuses is a good example. Radical feminist, colluding with the Obama/Biden administrations have made it much easier for young male university students to be denied their due process rights with rape accusations. They are do this using Title IX regulations and the threat of withholding federal funds.

A female student can accuse a male student of rape on campus at will, with no repercussions or consequences if it's false. In fact, the definition of rape is often vague and capricious. When this occurs, a process is put into motion that is reminiscent of authoritarian show trials. The case will be assigned to a special investigator employed by the school. My understanding is that she is usually a feminist and biased. A hammer looking for a nail.

The case is then handled by a committee created by the school. They will determine his guilt or innocence. The male student will most likely have no right to represention, to face their accuser or in some cases to appeal. This is due to the fact that it's not a criminal case. The committee will most likely be made up of school teachers and administrators. Most of whom will be left leaning. If it's determined that the male student has committed 'rape', as defined by the school, the student is permanently expelled. He is then branded in academia as a sex offender. This will follow him to other universities. Making it practically impossible to gain admission anywhere. This will have a tremendously negative impact on his life. Not just his career prospects but also the mate he can attract and marry.

If proof comes to light at some point that the accuser made a false accusation, she will not suffer any consequences or repercussions for her actions. Even when these facts come to light, often the accused will not be readmitted to the University. Essentially, it's the radical feminist mantra; 'believe all women' or 'women don't lie about rape'. I want to be clear that their are of course real cases of rape and they should be dealt with appropriately.

This is destroying many young men's lives for the purpose of appeasing misandrist radical feminist groups. As usual, it's one more way to immasculate and demean straight men. It's no wonder that many young men are opting out of the universities. I am deeply troubled and saddened that in America this is allowed to happen. It must be changed. Thank you for your excellent article that pulls the curtain back on the corruption in our system of justice. I have to believe that most of our lawyers and judges have integrity.

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Great article. One issue that I think needs some more explanation, however, is that we have people like George Soros trying to reduce prison populations by appointing judges who, according to the conservatives, routinely let violent criminals go free. The Left says we need more social workers, fewer cops and fewer prisons. So would you contend that we are incarcerating the wrong people, e.g. poor black men caught up in the child support racket, as well as freeing the wrong people from the justice system?

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