"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past." - Orwell. The power of fake news. Why it's essential to controlling power. And as problem solver: why the US needs democracy. Not the D-Party kind (which means D-Party dictatorship). I've seriously tried a time or two. The US really can't survive much longer with the unconstitutional two-party system. It's not something that any serious thinking would imagine to be a good thing.

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The answer is simple. I've been trying to critique your new very important new book, Who Lost America. I have failed because I kept focusing on the many important details and not what should have been the obvious to faithful Christian-Catholics. As Aleksandr Solzenitsen answered a lifetime ago why Russia went Communist. "Because We Forgot God!" Same here, and thousands of "churches" somehow 'uniting' cannot do it, or we wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place.

Blame it on the Protestant Revolt which split Christianity into political factions. And, as you mention in your book, gave rise to ideologies---even long before the so-called Enlightenment.

The only "Real," and strong enough Christianity we used to have in the Catholic Church, now rendered all but useless by corrupt leadership. The American founding Fathers, dumbed down by the Information iron Curtain imposed by said Protestants, and later by Deists, Freemasons, and proto-Communists on the English speaking world kept out a solid understanding of Natural Law and other vital information for creating a truly Christian and Consitutional limited government.

Yet the fouding of the U. S. was the most Christian founding of any nation state ever on earth. Enough truth did leak through to buy us time for the Church to come in and make conversions. Instead (Sadly!) the Church squandered perhaps its greatest opportunity ever to convert the entire U. S!

Instead it allowing dark forces to convert it to materialistic, humanist, global and Welfare State---essentially Marxist ideas. That culminated in Liberation Theology in mid-20th Century along with caving in on moral teachings and turning to a government like bureaucracy instead of a real Church following Christ and not corrupt man.

Thus, as the best ever damned country formed by 'enlightened' man, we were are are doomed. Only God accepting our abject apology and prayerful repentance could possibly save us now. All of what you recommend--and then some, would be the outcome of a restored America. It would scarcely resemble the U.S. as we know it---largely decentralized as only modern technology could allow. Small towns, cities, and rural areas would be, I think, largely off today's grids---energy independent, made possible by small modular and mass produced nuclear power plants. Gone would be solar and windmill farms---replaced by small family run farms. GMO, properly done can increase further farm productivity, avoiding much fertilizer and pesticides. Automated small factories can make home use products without the enormous supply chain issues of shipping half-way around the globe. Small communities where we personally know our elected leaders, and helpful neighborliness would support families and extended families. Only a strong faith in Jesus Christ would keep us halfway sane good neighbors. We would still be sinners with all of the problems we now have but our sin would be more under control through following the Beatitudes of Christ and a strong prayer life. Nirvana? Utopia? Not on your life. If you are fortunate enough to have Amish or Old Order Mennonites as neighbors---you get the picture. Peaceful, loving, productive. May God richly bless you and your work! And the rest of y'all, go out and buy the book!

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To keep things in the right context, let's not forget that Protestants regularly recite the Apostles Creed.

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Well said Stephen, and so true. Your book has been very helpful to me in understanding where we are and what we can do about it. No one else is doing that. Thank you.

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This write-up reminds of these lines from The Sun Also Rises …

“How did you go bankrupt?"

Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

― Ernest Hemingway

See: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/102579-how-did-you-go-bankrupt-two-ways-gradually-then-suddenly

The question should be asked … how did America and the West go socialist? Answer … gradually, then suddenly.

As for the question why … it is always about power; political power and the consolidation of power.

This too hearkens back to another earlier quote by Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, who replied when asked what was just created after the drafting of the U.S. Constitution “a Republic Madam ... if you can keep it.”

See: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7205186-a-republic-madam-if-you-can-keep-it

There seems to be a tendency for political entities to always gravitate towards centralization. But if the government becomes too centralized and overpowering then it reaches critical mass and falls apart, much like the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc satellites.

America, along with much of the world, seem to be heading in this direction, despite the occasional resistance of Tea Party movements, MAGA, DJT, Brexit, and the occasional pushback from small d democracy supporters and conservatives.

Just look at the centralized global plans coming out of the sewers of Davos and Brussels … somebody has made the decision for one-world global governance. It doesn’t seem like even a modest plurality of the 8 billion people on the planet have agreed to any of this. Such master plans have high tendencies of not ending so well.

G’day … and stay frosty.

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The author's books always deserve a re-read and this one is no exception.

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They creep slowly, change laws and regulations.

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