Breaking up of the Administrative State, e.g., Departments of Education, Department of Energy, Dept. of the Interior, sections of the Dept. of Health & Human Services (child support and child support enforcement should be rescinded from federal law), Bureau of ATFB, IRS, et al. The Administrative state is how the Nazis ran things so efficiently, especially their concentration camps and how they identified each and every prisoner, their belongings, and their assets.

This is what new Argentinian President Javier Milei just did. He cut a number of administrative agencies out of the budget, along with cutting 5,000 federal jobs. Once Donald Trump is voted into office, that needs to be the first thing he does. He needs to eliminate the aforereferenced agencies and cut the 3,000,000 or so federal employees by at least 10-25%.

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I think that is precisely what Trump intends to do. But many believe his success will be limited, just like it was the first time. No doubt he will set priorities, and social policy may not be high on the list. I believe it should be very high. I outlined the benefits last year in an article in the Epoch Times: "‘Draining the Swamp’ Must Include Social Policy and Welfare",

https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/draining-the-swamp-must-include-social-policy-and-welfare-4697487. The editing was heavy handed, and you may hit a pay wall. I can send a copy to anyone who supplies an email address.

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If Trump gets the Senate and holds the House, I believe a lot will happen quickly, with social policy, welfare, the economy and making the U.S. oil & gas independent once and for all (hopefully through legislation). His second priority, which he's talked about consistently, is removing the large bulk of illegals in this country. As he's said before, he knows the law enforcement people that know where all the illegals are. And, then he can go after the Deep State operatives that harmed him and remove them from office, and probably bring charges against them.

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