Original Ideas on Current Affairs

— that you will find nowhere else

I do not post or publish unless I have something original to say, something that no one else is saying. That is true of every article and book I have ever published. You may not be convinced by every argument I offer, but I hope you will find that everything you read here at least stimulates your thoughts and pushes you a bit outside your “comfort zone”.

I focus on important matters (though with the odd light piece). Most of my posts will concern current politics, though they may also contain bits from history and other fields.

Here is what you will find:

My current writing project — and the subject of my planned upcoming articles here on Substack is the leftist coup that has enveloped the United States and other western democracies over roughly the last four years. This project draws on a lifetime of research and writing, plus growing up in the political milieu of Washington, DC.

This will draw from my main subject of the last 20 or so years, when (though completely unplanned) my writing focused on issues of family, sexuality, and the totalitarian injustices against men, fathers, and children, especially those perpetrated by the family courts. I wrote about this not because it interested me, but because I quickly became convinced that it is the most important matter in our society today. My work specifically on this can be found on my site: www.StephenBaskerville.com, including my main book on this topic, Taken Into Custody.

I then expanded this into another book and many articles on the larger issue sexual radicalism.

As a complement to this, I also published more practical and lighter guidebook for men: A Gentleman’s Guide to Manners, Sex, and Ruling the World.

Prior to all this, my first subject of research and writing was radical political ideologies, with an emphasis on religious radicalism.

Along the way, I have also had occasion to write about corruption in higher education, based on my decades working in universities.

About Me

Currently Professor and Head of the Department of Political Studies at the Collegium Intermarium, Warsaw.

By profession, I am an academic in the fields of political science and history, with 35+ years teaching in the universities of the United States and Europe. My work has been published in peer-reviewed journals as well as current affairs publications.

You can find my books and most of my major articles on my internet site: www.StephenBaskerville.com.

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Unconventional perspectives on politics, history, religion, law, sex, and higher education. For better or worse, what you read here is definitely "outside the box" and perhaps outside your "comfort zone."


The author is Professor of Politics, Collegium Intermarium, Warsaw, and author, Who Lost America? Why the United States Went "Communist" and What to Do about It (Arktos, 2024). His books and articles can be found at www.StephenBaskerville.com.