Fine piece.

'But men who courageously face down physical danger from other men then wilt before disapproval from women'

The American Epitaph. Now, that's a big epitaph. But America is a big country.

The nation will rise or fall on this issue, correctly called the 'third rail' in the OP. The unwillingness of man to stand up to woman caused the Fall from Paradise also, so it's not a new problem.

The Right -- at long, long last, these fifty years and running -- has asserted itself under Trumpocracy. But so far none have dared touch the searing Third Rail: direct assault against Institutional Feminism and its attack on masculinity, fatherhood, and the father-led family . . . a course which exactly zero (0) politicians in America support publicly.

Well-stated that the Muskrat can either save himself, or his brothers and his country. That'll test him, as it has tested some of us already.

In the past decade, the manosphere has affected national politics profoundly but indirectly, to the point where the proposed Disinformation Governance Board of the DHS and Nina Jankowicz specifically targeted us as U.S. Enemy Number One . . . but was suspended under public (internet) outcry.

That proved that DHS and the gyno-government in general fear us, sufficient to identify us in public documents as their specific target. We have arrived. We are an entity now, with liminal, but real, power. Time to turn the heat up.

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Such an important call to action Stephen. Thank you. Now we need to get very specific.

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Mebbe pick their weakest link of value, and hammer on it.

Works for lions, anyway.

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The author makes a valid argument. With so many critical areas to focus on...I hope this one does not get lost in the process. Fortunately...Trump has a long memory for those who have mistreated him...and all the false accusations from feminists are likely not forgotten. E Jean Carroll may bring down feminism without realizing it!

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I have used the "Gordian Knot" analogy myself. Sadly my audience was not receptive.

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Well, we know how Odysseus solved that pesky problem.

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Both Kennedy and Musk have been given tasks that involve welfare, the most poisonous of the left's bailiwicks. From food stamps to Social Security the Obamacare the programs designed for our welfare are tools of our repression. The oft quoted ,"Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime" of unknown origin, is a bit of wisdom that most know but few believe.

Giving to the poor is nearly universally believed to be good to do. But hardly anyone recognizes the harm it does to the recipient. Jesus taught that charity is a prime duty of his followers. Far less understood is his reaction to the crowds who followed him, "They follow me because I fed them." Many of those whom he had fed, no doubt, were in the crowd who screamed, "Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar!"

You won't see "scientific studies" about unearned sustenance, because such studies will reveal the true nature of welfare. Deep down, the recipients know how harmful they are, and resent and eventually hate the givers. The men realize more quickly how demoralizing they are. The women are slower on the uptake, because historically they have been dependent on men and others through pregnancy and child rearing. Children are dependent for long periods and are mostly aware of their status, but naturally tend, as they grow, to be anxious to become independent and come to more and more resent being held in dependence.

Nor will you see studies of those who hold others in dependency. Especially those who are hired to administer welfare very quickly come to despise those who they "serve," including the vaunted teachers. Volunteers in soup kitchens are not exempt. And the "we're from the government and we're here to help you" crowd often become downright abusive of those whom they "help." Witness the egregiousness of the Roman officials who supervised the bread and circuses.

Very few start out demoralized, neither givers nor receivers. Givers often start out benevolently and receivers with gratitude. But most of us are not by nature dependent nor deprivers of independence. Most crave independence, and charity is its natural enemy. To make it national policy is to make government slave-drivers and make the governed slaves. It is the right thing to do to root it out.

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'"They follow me because I fed them." Many of those whom he had fed, no doubt, were in the crowd who screamed, "Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar!"'

At the end there He had about 70 real deals. Out of the whole nation. Speaks volumes.

Christianity isn't a populist religion; it's an elitist religion, as is made clear multiple times in Scripture. Many called, few chosen. Harder for rich man to enter the Kingdom than camel through needle's eye, and so forth.

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One way to find data about the negative effects of welfare is to search the term 'welfare stigma." The research into how to counter the stigma reveals the negative effects, which they blame on stigma, but are in reality are natural consequences of receiving welfare. There's also older research, from prior to the mid 20th century.

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Thank you. I will search that way. Wish I could search sans AI, which only returns official slanted Scheiße.

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Excellent article. Have yet to finish as went off on a tangent or two Googling stuff in it I did not understand....so yes....excellent reading....

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Thank you, Dr. Baskerville. I read that Trump is now considering abolishing the 50-50 property split after divorce. That would be a big step in the right direction.

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